Hyderabad,Telangana, India

Listed below are common imbalances associated with Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Fill out all three sections, checking the ones that describe your recent experience. Then click on the "Calculate" button to find out more about how to balance your mind and body.





What are Vata, Pitta and Kapha?

>Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three basic principles of nature (called doshas) that govern all the activities of your mind and body.

Vata governs all movement in the body, such as breathing, blood circulation and neuromuscular activity. It also governs the quick and lively functioning of your mind and five senses.

Pitta manages digestion and metabolism, keeps bodily heat in balance and regulates hunger and thirst. It is also the principle behind sharp decision-making, creative intelligence, and warm feelings of joy, contentment and enthusiasm.

Kapha is responsible for solid body structure and fluid balance. It gives solidity and strength to your body, and keeps your joints smooth and well-lubricated. Kapha is also found in sweet and steady affections, and supports qualities such as forgiveness, generosity, dignity and courage.

According to Maharishi Vedic Medicine health care, health is simply a natural state of wholeness and balance. When all three doshas are in balance, then you naturally feel good and everything functions well. Your appetite is good, your digestion is strong, your bodily tissues and processes are normal and healthy, and your self, mind and senses remain full of bliss and happiness.

To understand your score, it is important to know that everyone has all three doshas, and it is common to have imbalances in all three. However, usually there is one dosha that you need to balance most. The principle with the highest score is the one that you need to focus on most.

It is also important to realize that it is easier to correct imbalances that have developed recently. For longstanding or chronic imbalances you need to follow a complete Maharishi Vedic Medicine treatment program, as recommended by your doctor.