One Consultation Will Change Your Life Forever!

One Consultation Will Change Your Life Forever!.

Ma Brahmanandamayee (formerly Dr. Kumuda Reddy), Author, Speaker and with her experience in Allopathy and expertise in Ayurveda, has helped thousands of people who simply want to feel better and live happier and longer lives. She has successfully treated many of the most puzzling health challenges that face us today. She has authored several books, and has appeared on Radio and TV shows..

Frequently Asked Questions

Ayurveda is the ageless wisdom of natural, holistic medicine, life science of eternal healing, handed down by the enlightened rishis. Ayurveda restored to its full practical value is Maharishi Ayurveda. The term is coined by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental meditation (TM) working with eminent physicians. By enlivening body’s inner intelligence (consciousness), MA balances one’s physiology so that self, body, mind and senses are full of bliss. MA has many modalities to create a disease free and conflict free society.
Allopathic medicine looked at the body as a machine-sum of parts, ignored mind-body connection. It recognizes the diversity among diseases but not in the individuals, targets the pathogens (bacteria, viruses etc.) and diseased tissues / organs. Modern medicine is crisis oriented, and prescribes the same ‘magic bullet’ for everyone, cultivates dependence on drugs, doctors and machines. It creates unwanted, harmful side effects, new diseases, and treats mostly the symptoms. MA appreciates unique qualities of individuals, its care is individualized, eliminates the root cause of illness, restores balance, treats physical, emotional, spiritual, behavioral and environmental aspects. Herbs are safer, gentler and effective, purification and rejuvenation modalities are relaxing, refreshing and blissful. MA plays a pivotal role not only in curing disease but also in prevention, slows down aging degeneration, and enables even personal evolution. Powerful Purification and Rejuvenation Programs for Health and Longevity.
There are five basic building blocks of Nature. Everything in Nature including Human physiology has these elements – “Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth”. Veda Says “As is the individual, so is the Universe”. There is an underlying field or energy at the source. It is called unified field in physics, MA calls this consciousness or inner intelligence. Three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), fundamental operators of every function in the body and mind have these five elements in different proportions making us unique right form birth (our nature, prakriti, constitution or blue print). This explains the diversity among us – how we look and feel, act and react, how we are prone to certain imbalances, how we respond to food and medicines, and how we evolve.
Vata, mostly space and air, governs motion like circulation, communication and respiration etc. Pitta, mostly fire and water, governs metabolism like conversion of food, air, water into energy, hormonal actions, digestion etc. Kapha, mostly earth and water, governs mass (structure, cohesiveness) like formation of fluids, tissues, organs etc. It is easy to observe these elements in Nature. “In the gentle breeze (AIR) doing your Surya (FIRE) namaskar by the lake (Water) on the lush green lawn (Earth). When you are doing your asanas, you are moving through infinite SPACE.” Ayurveda is a holistic and natural medicine


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