Transcendental Meditation(TM)

Practicing the Transcendental Meditation (T.M.) technique is the most effortless way to produce a state of consciousness in which you start making spontaneous and correct choices to promote health, and stop making mistakes that damage it.

The TM program is a simple, effortless technique that provides extremely deep rest and eliminates stress from the mind and body. Simultaneously, it opens the mind to its source, which is an infinite reservoir of energy, intelligence, creativity, organizing power, and bliss. TM has been scientifically shown to improve emotional and physical health.

Anyone can learn the TM technique irrespective of age, stress level, or educational or cultural background. If you can think a thought, you can practice T.M. successfully.

During the TM technique, the body experiences a profound level of rest indicated by such phenomena as decreased heart rate, decreased breath rate, and brief periods of suspended breathing.

At the same time, the mind settles down effortlessly, to its fundamental reservoir of inner silence or pure consciousness. Here it is absolutely calm, yet fully awake. This produces a distinct brain wave pattern, marked by high levels of coherence across specific frequencies.

This unique state of mind and body is called “restful alertness” or Transcendental Consciousness. Within your own nature, there are also other higher states of consciousness that you may experience over time.

We are the Self of all, as the absolute pure consciousness, which is non-changing and immortal, and we are also the nature, which is the relative and changing. We are the totality of this, which is also referred to as Brahman.

The nature of who you are is inherent in the Self of who you are. It is not separate. The pure consciousness which is all-pervading supports and enlivens the whole of nature, which continues endlessly, with the creating, existence, and dissolution.

This knowledge of the self, of the life span, of Ayurveda, is what gives the ever changing reality to all of the nature, inside us and outside us. Now if we look at a tree, and see a trunk, with its branches and flowers, it may not be evident immediately what is truly keeping this tree alive and beautiful.

The roots which take all the nourishment are hidden. And the sap, which is the infinite inner intelligence, and the existence of the whole tree is not visible. Just like that, the Self of who we are, the pure consciousness which is supporting the whole of your nature, is not evident or grasped by the senses, mind or intellect.

T.M connects individual awareness with its basis in pure consciousness, which is the total potential of natural law. Maharishiji has a beautiful saying ‘water the root and enjoy the fruit’. T.M is like that for us. T.M enlivens our inner intelligence so that we make the right choices in life. T.M removes the stress and strain of our daily lives.