Yajna (Homa)

Yajna or Yagya or Yagnya are done for the Grah Shanti and to obtain the grace of the Deva for the Nature’s support. So, removing the obstacles and gaining the nature support is very important. Life is too short and without this knowledge, one is living in ignorance - wasting time,effort and resources.

Maharishi Yagya also known as Yagna helps in averting future problems and supports good fortune in life. Yagya helps to avoid future imbalances and is necessary for anyone who is responsible for the well-being of others, such as parents, business managers, and teachers, because the destiny of others depends on their decisions. Yagna is referred to as a ritual or fire worship. It symbolizes sacrificial actions dedicated to a higher ideal. The ritual itself consists of offering the oblations in the form of grains, herbs, ghee etc. to Agni Deva. The word Yagna means sacrifice and this sacrificial activity is directed towards gaining some desires of limited value or attaining the absolute which is - Paramatma. There are actually twelve different classifications of Yagnas described which cover the entire cycle of human activity in our life span. Primarily, through the Yagna, people can enjoy prosperity and peace, health and long life span and bliss.

One attains many material goals through these Yagyas. But the goal of Yagya is to gain the higher states of consciousness and move towards enlightenment. For a spiritual seeker, it is very important that these obstacles are removed, and one gains the complete support of Nature. Further, these Yagyas are most effective when the performer of Yagya and the beneficiary are rooted in consciousness which means they should have been practicing Transcendental Meditation.

It’s also important that one performs actions aligned with the natural law or Dharma and remains Dharmic. The Grahas and Devas naturally support Dharmic people. One should not think that they will do a Yagya but continue leading a life filled with violations of laws of nature or lead Adharmic life.

Now, how to do we get the best results from Jyotish and Yagya? It will be good to get a one-year chart or five-year chart and do the necessary Graha Shanti and do the offering to Devas. Here, the Devas are Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Ganesh, Lakshmi, Durga, Chandi, and their other manifestations. This is in addition to the Nav Graha puja. These Yagyas are also done by individuals regularly on Holy days in the Vedic calendar to maintain peace, happiness, prosperity and remove future obstacles for the individual, family, community, and the nation.

Then there are the special Yagyas for the farmers in terms of climate, for growing the crops and preventing any negative influences. There are Yagyas for special events like marriage, getting a good job, building a home, to get a child and so many things. Ultimately, our focus is to progress in all aspects in life. We want life to be smooth, peaceful, happy and healthy. We reduce the suffering and negativity. We mend our ways. We become more Dharmic and align to the natural law. We regularly transcend and BE connected to the SELF. We try to live a life of full potential and eventually gain Jeevan Mukta, the freedom and liberation while still in this body. This is the purpose of life, and this is the goal of human birth. This knowledge comes from the Veda and the Rishis have given us this knowledge.